Homework pages for speech studentsIf you click on the links below you can find speech and language games, flashcards, and worksheets OR you can pick up some ideas on easy ways to practice your speech in everyday situations.Sh, Ch and J Speech Sounds:Description of Material(s)ShPicture cards of the "Sh" phoneme in words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.ChPicture cards of the "Ch" phoneme in words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.
Card Set 1 - Ch all positions
JPicture cards of the "J" phoneme in words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Reading - All Sh, Ch, JStory Starter including "Sh, Ch, and J" sounds. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Carry Over of Sounds A Speech calendar listing ideas to practice sounds in everyday activities. Microsoft Publisher FormatS Speech Sound:Description of Material(s)S InitialPicture cards of the "S" phoneme in the initial position of words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.S MedialPicture cards of the "S" phoneme in the medial position of words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.S FinalPicture cards of the "S" phoneme in the final position of words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.S All Word LevelPicture cards of the "S" phoneme in all positions of words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Reading - All S'sCarry Over of Sounds A Speech calendar listing ideas to practice sounds in everyday activities. Microsoft Publisher Format
R Speech Sound:Description of Material(s)R InitialPicture cards of the "r" phoneme in the initial position. In Microsoft Publisher Format.R MedialPicture cards of the "r" phoneme in the medial position. In Microsoft Publisher Format.R FinalPicture cards of the "r" phoneme in the final position. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Reading - All RsSymbolated story including many R words. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Carry Over of Sounds A Speech calendar listing ideas to practice sounds in everyday activities. Microsoft Publisher Format
Th Speech Sound:Description of Material(s)Th All PositionsPicture cards of the "Th" phoneme in the final position. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Reading - All Th'sStory Starter including "Th" sounds. In Microsoft Publisher Format.Carry Over of SoundsA Speech calendar listing ideas to practice sounds in everyday activities. Microsoft Publisher FormatLooking for additional practice? This website is a wealth of information regarding articulation tips, work sheets, and word lists: