• Speech Activities for Home

    The following link will take you to documents on my Google Drive that include a variety of activities you can do at home to practive your speech and language skills. Please note - this link can only be accessed if you are logged into Tiger ID through your child(s) account/device.

    1. In the Google Drive, located at the link below, select the topic that includes the skill(s) you are working on in your speech and language program (Articulation, Language, or Social Skills).
    2. Within the file, find the activity that corresponds to the week of the school year (or choose any week if you prefer).
      1. For students targeting articulation, word lists for each sound can be found in the Articulation Word Lists file.
      2. For students targeting language skills, grades K-2 should select Language Homework Level 1 and grades 3-5 should select Language Homework Level 2. 
      3. For students targeting social skills, select the file labeled as Social Skills.
    3. Please email me at etorchia@northallegheny.org with any questions or concerns you may have.

    Click this link: Speech and Language Home Practice activities


    Thank you for supporting your child's speech and language development!