• Let's Talk

    Here are some ideas for how kids and parents can practice speech and language goals in everyday conversation:

    6 Fun Ways to Practice Your Articulation Skills at Home

    1. As you ride along in the car, name things you see that have your speech sound in the name

    2. Play guessing games, choosing items in a room that have your sound, as your partner tries to guess what object you are thinking of

    3. As you do your other homework, repeat words with your sound that you come across in your spelling and vocabulary lists.

    4. Create a collage of pictures with your child’s sound.

    5. Create a speech bag, by collecting small objects that contain your child’s speech sound. Take the bag out to practice saying the names of the objects. You can also use the bag to play guessing games.

    6. Use clip art, magazine pictures or other types of pictures to create practice cards, You may want to get a package of 3 by 5 note cards, and paste the pictures to them. Make two cards of the same picture. You can use the cards for the following activities:

    • “Memory” or matching games- place all cards face down and take turns turning over two cards, trying to find matches.

    • Guessing games- lay a group of cards out, and take turns describing a picture as the partner tries to guess it.

    • Sequence- lay out one card at a time, naming it. Add another card, and name both, keep adding cards, but cover them once you name them once and try to remember all the cards.

    • Go fish- use your cards to play a “Go Fish” kind of game

    • Hide and seek – have your child leave the room. Hide the cards around the room, then invite your child to come back in and find all of them

    • Slap it- lay the cards face down in a pile. When you say “go” turn a card over. The one who slaps it first and says it correctly takes the card.


    1. Set up a time to talk with your child about his/her day (or anything else that your child's would like to talk about). Make this time "predictable" (set a time) AND "productive" (give constructive feedback and encouragement).

    2. In conversation, first you need to focus your child to their speech goals (speech sounds, or language). For example you might say, "I am so excited to hear about field day, and when you tell me about it all, I want you to try to remember to use your new "R" sound and your good grammar".

    3. Finally, try your best to LISTEN to what your child says as well as how he/she is saying it...be sure to give your child honest but encouraging feedback.         

    Feedback suggestions: Good job; Good try; You're getting closer; Nice try...can you fix it?; I like that one; you got it; Almost got it!; You're really trying even though this is tricky; I like how you used your words, now can you tell me with a few more words?; I'm proud of your good tries!